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How it works

This page will show you how the approval workflow works in real time. We still recommends you to read the code in approvalProcess() function.

How the script works

  1. Script will runs from Row n+1 (n = number of header row)
  2. Checks the Step 1 Approver Status of the current row
    1. If it is blank, it will identifies as New Request and start the New Request process. Then repeats (2) with next row.
    2. If it is Waiting, it will checks the Inbound sheet data that holds the same Request ID and updates the corresponding status when there is a response. Then repeats (2) with next row.
    3. If the Status is Approved, the process repeats (2). But with Step 2 Approver Status and Request Step 2 Approval.
    4. Otherwise (as in case of Reject or Skipped), script will repeats (2) with next row.
  3. When the status has reached to the last approver, (2) will starts again. But this time for Approved, it will sends an email to responder to do what the approver wants to do. Then the status will be updated as Finished.

System Process

New Request

Script will do as following to requests that has been tagged as New Request.

  1. Send email to requester to notifies that the request is being processed.
  2. Send email to Step 1 Approver, as determined by the requester.

Checking the inbounds

Script will do as following to request that has been tagged as Check for inbounds.

  1. Retrives the Reqest ID from the request.
  2. Match Request ID with Request ID in inbounds. First response (order by Time) that contains the same Request ID will be chosen.
  3. Chosen Response status are applied to the request.