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For ones that will need to approve something from ones that request it, this is for you.

Approve or Reject a request

Approving a response As an approver, you are required to approve a request. This is how you can do it.

  1. Go to your inbox
  2. Click into the mail that is subject with 'Request for approval'. This is the email that requires you an attention and need you to approve.
  3. Read the request information, sent by a requester.
  4. At the bottom, you will see a Google Form link. Click the URL link to start the approval process.
  5. After clicking the URL, you will be redirected to the Google Form page.
  6. Make sure that your account that log in matches the email's address.
  7. In the Google Form, in 'Response Result' question, choose either 'Approved' to approve request or 'Rejected' to reject request.
  8. (optional) Add some comments to the request. This wil be shown to other approver.
  9. Make sure that the 'Bound to Response ID' is the same number as the email subject. It normally is the same number, but please make sure it does.
  10. Click 'Submit' button to submit your approval
  11. Done!