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Contribution Convention

Here's all you need to know to contribute to this repository. For beginners, here's what you need to have before creating a Pull Request to this repo.

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a new branch, using our branch naming convention.
  3. Add your contents Not yours? Read Here..
  4. Send us a Pull Request. Write a description that contains "what you do in this Pull Request".

Failing to follow this convention might slow your merging process or your request(s) being rejected/closed.

For any questions related to this Contribution Convention, please create a new Issue and reference this Convention.

Having issues?

If you have any issues using the resource, please find any issue that might have been resolved. If it is not there, create it and fill in the form.

Branch Naming Convention

After you have forked this repo (or directly commit to this repo), create a new branch that matches our branch name convention.

You shall use one of these prefix to name your branch.

  • typos/<language-ISO-code>/<word-pack-name> for word typos-related Pull Request.
  • content/<language-ISO-code>/<word-pack-name> for adding more words to the repo.
  • feature/<issue-number>/<feature-name> for adding Python scripts.
  • patch/<issue-number>/<feature-name> for patching Python script and tweaking.
  • chore/ for editing any docs-based files (e.g. this file)

For example, if you want to add wordlist for Adults, create your branch as content/en-en/adults and start adding contents!

For <language-ISO-code>, follow ISO-standard language code (ISO 639-1:2002) (e.g. en-EN for Standard English, zh-hk for Hongkong Chinese)

For <word-pack-name>, use lowercase-kebab-case (e.g. duos-nsfw)

If you have any questions, feel free to create a new issue and reference this heading.

Add new content

To start adding wordlist, create these files under wordlist/<language-ISO-code>/<word-pack-name> :

Word list

For a new wordlist, add your word in the wordlist.txt as line separated.
Word list that is not line separated will be automatically closed.

And each word must follow this guideline:

  • No typos are allowed.
  • Encode file using an appropriate file encoding (e.g. UTF-8).

and this covention:

  • Each word is a word. Not a sentence.
  • Must contains only one ISO language code.
  • Wordlist does not contain duplicate based on each language's duplication guidelines.
  • Check that your wordlist is not a duplicate to pending wordlist Pull Request or existing wordlist.
  • Same word that can be exchangable is considered duplicates.

This convention list is born-to-be exploited. If you feel like your word list should not follow this convention or feel like this convention is a flaw, feel free to reply and explains why you think it shouldn't follow the convention.

Credit Source

For contents that you scrapped from any source, you must add the source that you brought from in

In that file, add a URL and/or description on where you scrapped these words from. Add any description you feel like to.

Send us a Pull Request

Create us a Pull Request! Just complete the Pull Request form and start creating a PR.

You might be required to edit your request or stand-your-ground at anytime.